Whales are creatures loved by many people , but listing or describing all types of whales that exist in the world, is not an easy task. They live in the ocean at different depths, and their weight can reach up to 120 tons. Their length varies according to the species. Now we invite you to discover, the main whales of the world, as well as their most outstanding characteristics
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Main Types of Whales
Although we usually consider, that all cetaceans belong to the genera of whales, only those pertaining to the group of the balaenidae , are considered as whales. Now it’s time to know all types of whales existing in the world.
Boreal Whales
These whales have a robust contexture , and they can reach approximately 20 meters in length, being this way one of the biggest species. Their skin is dark grey in color and they have a big mouth, especially when comparing it with that of other species. Boreal whales, unlike other whales; don´t tend to migrate. They spend all their life at the Arctic Ocean. Regarding their procreation, they give birth every 3 or 4 years, being also the species with the highest index of longevity. It is a species at risk of extinction , since some conditions in their habitat are not enough proper and should be improved.
Pacific Right Whale
This group is comprised by three (3) species, the Austral Whale, the Glacial Whale, and the Pacific Right Whale. They feed on plankton, and they have a robust contexture, including a huge head; which is another of their main characteristics. Their dark skin, which contains calluses, is another disticntive characteristics that helps identify them easily..
The Pacific Right Whale, can reach up to 18 meters in length and it has a grey skin. There is a low population of these specimens ,which are also considered a species at risk of extinction.
Fin whale.
It is one of the biggest whales which can reach up to 27 meters long and they feed on small fish, crustaceans and squid. Their stylized body, with a grey skin and a white belly; is another of their most outstanding characteristics. There are two sub- species of these whales; the Atlantic which lives in northern areas, and the Antarctic. They are distributed in almost all oceans except at the poles. It is also at risk of extinction.
Blue Whale.
This is the biggest species of whales that exists and it´s even considered as the largest animal in the world. They can measure up to 30 meters in length. They live mainly in cold waters, but they migrate to tropical waters for getting reproduced.
Blue Whales have an elongated body with a large and flattened head. Following, we list some other characteristics of this species;
- Their main color is blue
- They have gray patches, but their main color isar blue e with grey patches
- Their food is mainly composed of krill, (small crustaceans similar to shrimps)
- They don´t have teeth, but their beards helps them absorb their prey in an easy way
Humpback Whale.
This is another big specimen, which can reach up to 19 meters in length. They also have a robust contexture, with big warts on their fins. Their back is black, while their belly is white with some stains .
They usually make big jumps in the water, and we can find them in all the seas; but during winter they migrate toward warmer waters.(We invite you to read our article humpback whales to learn more about these wahles)
Gray Whale.
The gray whale is the most ancient of all types of whales. They live exclusively at the North Pacific Ocean, although they tend to migrate to the North of Mexico for their reproduction. Their size varies between 14 and 20 meters in length. These specimens are completely gray, and their skin is covered by some parasites and crustaceans.
The gray whales have a small and curved head,compared to other species. Their pectoral fins look like small blades, but they don´t possess a dorsal fin. They have a rounded hump, which is another of their main characteristics (We invite you to read our article Gray Whales to learn more about these creatures)
Sperm Whale
The sperm whale is a type of toothed whale, which can reach up to 18 meters in lenght. It has a huge head, one nostril and its skin is grayish in color. It is a perfect swimmer that can submerge to a depth of a thousand meters, and it is able to develop a speed of 40 km / h.
Finally, we invite you to watch this video, in order to enjoy the wonderful sounds that these creatures can emit
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