The seahorses receive that name due to the shape of their head, which is very similar to those of horses. They belong to the category of hippocampus, and there are fifty or more species according to estimates. Know What do Seahorses Eat
Knowing about their alimentation habits is something really interesting, and that’s the reason why we are talking about this topic; but there is something you need to know first…
Know What do Seahorses Eat
Something very intriguing about seahorses is, that every one of them has a kind of Crown on their head, which is different for each specie, none resembles the other, which is something amazing. It is necessary that you learn and know a little more about the characteristics of the freshwater seahorses.
We know a little more about seahorses, now it is time to know What do Seahorses Eat
What do They Eat?
The biggest portion of seahorse’s diet , is based mostly in the consumption of shrimps, plankton (tiny organisms floating in salt water), and crustaceans. They don’t have teeth, thus they have to eat their prey entire .
Having eyes with independent movement, allows to recognize the perfect snack for them. It should be noted that small crustaceans constitute the main portions of seahorses’ alimentation
The large snout they possess, helps them eat with ease and slowly, thus ., they can spend much of the time eating, in order to enjoy their snacks.
As creatures that can be incorporated seamlessly with the environment, they take advantage of this ability to wait calmly and unnoticed the arrival of their food.
When a seahorse has its prey, it is almost impossible that it can escape, that is to say, they can eat and enjoy their food slowly, as they tend to do.
A very interesting characteristic of seahorses, is that they have no stomach, this is the reason why they eat almost all the time, its digestion occurs immediately after eating. This answers to the concerns of many people about seahorses.