Telescope Eyes Fish: Characteristics, types, care and more….

Let’s meet the Telescope Eyes Fish, which are a species of goldfish (Carassius auratus). Other characteristic names of this species are Demekin, Eyes of Dragon and Moors.

Their most outstanding characteristic relies in their protrude eyes, which makes of them one of the most popular fishes worldwide. Want to know more about them… Go Ahead!

The Telescope Eyes Fish’ Main  Characteriscs

This species originated in China in the early eighteenth century, and their main characteristic are their eyes, which seem to sprout from their head projecting out. However, despite their peculiar name the vision of the telescope eyes fish is very limited.


These attractive fish reach a maximum measure of 30 centimeters in length and a weight of around  1.5 kilograms. In addition, their body is short and round, with soft lines of around 5.5 cm thick.  They usually have a couple of such lines on all their fins, excepting on the dorsal and pectorals ones.

Their large double caudal fin with round ends is another distinctive feature of the Demekin. Moreover, the more symmetrical their eyes the specimen has a higher rating.  We can mention the specimens with dome eyes, which have a round cornea, and hemispheric eyes.  The telescope eye fish with flat eyes have eyes that end in flat surface similar to some cylinders. Finally we have the specimens with spherical eyes.

telescope eyes fish:butterfly telescope fish

Telescope Eyes Fish’ Coloration

In terms of color, the telescope eyes fish have a fairly intense coloration even on their fins, displaying a range of colors including orange, yellow, white, red and black. There are also specimens that have two colors which makes them highly valued creatures in domestic aquariums.

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How to Feed the Telescope Eyes Fish?

These creatures are omnivores and their feeding is quite simple. It will be enough with offering them a rich and varied diet to prevent problems in their digestive system especially in the swim bladder.

There are many alternatives you can offer your pet such as live food, brine shrimp, larvae and especially green vegetables and greens. Always keep in mind that the most advisable is to feed them several times a day in small quantities to keep them in an optimal state of health

How Do Telescope Eyes Fish Reproduce?

Telescope eyes fish reach sexual maturity between one and two years after being born. The copulation occurs at the end of spring and the start of the summer when the temperature rises. During courtship the male pursues the female, pushing her continuously against the plants which makes her release her eggs.

These fish are oviparous, and their eggs are yellow and adhesive, so they are easily fixed to dense plants such as Cabomba or Elodea. They hatch in 45 or 72 hours depending on the water´s temperature. During their first stage the fry mainly feed   on zooplankton, and depending on the type of telescope eye fish, it could a few weeks to reach their characteristic adult form.

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How to know if a telescope eye fish is Male or Female?

Males telescope fish usually have a longer, thinner and more hydrodynamic body than females of the same age and species. You can also check if they have a concave cloaca, since that of a male specimen is usually narrow and elongated like an oval.

Some breeders use the manual spawning method to achieve a good fertilization. This procedure must be carried out by experts because otherwise the fish could suffer a big damage. We invite you to read our article veiltail fish to learn about manual spawning

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The Telescope Eyes Fish’ Common Behavior

The telescope eyes fish are gregarious and enjoy being surrounded by their equals. They live in groups and are active and curious. Most of the time they are peaceful and it´s quite weird to see them attacking other fish.

Types of Telescope Eyes Fish

Let´s learn about the different varieties of these beautiful fish

Panda Telescope Eye Fish

This species has a pattern of black and white color and protruding eyes.  The juvenile specimens resemble bronze fantails and their eyes gradually develop with age as well as their velvety appearance. They may also lose their Panda coloration with age becoming of orange or white tones or any combination of both.

Black Telescope Fish

The Black Moor (as they are also known) have a deep and long body, with eye-catching eyes and can reach a size of up to 15 centimeters in length.

It´s worth to point out that they don´t maintain their color pattern throughout their whole life, because sometimes their belly´s color change to a rusty color with orange spots. However, the Black Moor most distinctive feature is given by their bulging balloon-shaped eyes, which protrude from the head in a telescopic shape and make them have a scarce vision.

White Telescope Eye Fish

This species has a white body and they look like the golden goldfish. They can reach 15 centimeters in length, due to their large eyes, although their vision is usually poor, like most telescope fish. In addition, they are able to withstand high temperatures and can coexist with other types of telescopes fish.

Telescope Eyes Fish in Aquariums

These fish require a fairly large aquarium of at least 70 liters of capacity. Moreover, they are sensitive to sudden changes in water temperature and don´t tolerate low temperatures well.  So, it should be between 18 and 23 degrees Celsius, with a ph between 7 and 7.5.

It´s also highly recommended that the aquarium has natural plants and must be placed in a dark place, since telescope fish are very sensitive to light. If they stay exposed to it for a long time they can develop fungi.

Finally, it is good to know that these fish need a good oxygenation for which it´s highly recommended to place a diffuser of bubbles in your fish tank.

Compatibility with Other Fish

Avoid placing telescope eyes fish with other fish that swim very fast, because they can hurt and crash and steal their food. Their ideal companions are the Cory’s.

Common Diseases in Telescope Eyes Fish.

In properly maintained aquariums the diseases are greatly prevented. Thus, when such an aspect is neglected certain conditions may arise. Bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasites and protozoa are common in telescope eyes fish when they are in poorly maintained aquariums. If such illnesses aren´t treated in time they can become fatal. Please note that it´s better  to move the affected fish to a separate aquarium (hospital aquarium) to isolate it and thus prevent the spread of the disease.

The aquarium shouldn´t have gravel or plants, and its water must be changed continuously. However, if the disease is evident throughout the main aquarium it´s  better to do the treatment there.  If you are treating the telescope fish either in a hospital aquarium or in your main tank, be sure to read and follow the medication manufacturer’s instructions well, as some may negatively affect the quality of the water.

It´s very possible that you also have to remove the carbon from the filtration system, as it will absorb many medicines making the treatment ineffective.

Here is a list of common diseases of telescope eyes fish, where you will get more detailed information on different symptoms and treatments.

Bacterial infections


This is a bacterial infection in the kidneys in which fluids accumulate in the body, causing the fish to swell and their scales protrude. Dropsy only affects weak fish and can be deadly if it is not treated quickly.

Fish Tuberculosis

The fish becomes emaciated and develops a hollow belly, even some other symptoms such as lethargy, deformities, cut fins and more. Tuberculosis can be caused by overcrowding, there is no absolute treatment, and it can be fatal having even a slight risk that humans will be affected.

Tail breakage and fin rotation

This condition is often caused by a bacterial infection, due to factors such as bites from other fish and poor tank status.

Fung and Parasites


They may be grey or whitish and are usually the result of poor water quality

Anchor Worms

They are parasites that are introduced into the skin of the telescope fish, lay eggs and then die, leaving an ugly hole that can become infected.

Fish lice

They are crushed mite-like crustaceans about 5 mm long that adhere to the fish body.

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