The bottlenose dolphins are one of the best-known dolphin species in the world, and they are also known by their scientific names Tursiops truncatus.
The intelligence and sociability of this specimens, make of them very appreciated creatures by humans.
These lovely and wonderful creatures, are scattered in all the waters around the world. Thus, it is really easy to find them everywhere.
If you often dream about dolphins , you should read this article: Dreaming of Dolphins: meaning and precautions that you must have
Recent studies have demonstrated that these dolphins employ their vocalizations skills, to assign a sort of acoustic name to the other ones. They employ whistles, which are one of their vocalization elements, for this purpose.
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Main Characteristics of the Bottlenose Dolphins
Now, it is time to learn more about these lovely creatures
The bottlenose dolphins can measure up to 2 to 4 meters long, and weigh between 150 and 650 kilograms. Their internal temperature is 36 degrees, and they usually prefer warm and tropical waters.
Because of the characteristics of their bodies, they become great swimmers, reaching speeds up to 32 kilometers per hour.
The caudal fin located in their tails, provides them excellent swimming skills, while the rear fins coordinate the direction.
As any other dolphins, the bottle nose breathe outside the water, although they have the capacity to be more than 15 minutes underwater at depths of more than 260 meter. Then, they emerge again to the surface, to breathe through the spiracle, located in their heads.
These dolphins lack of vocal cords, however they communicate by means of whistles and sounds ,employing the nostrils located below the spiracles ( blowholes )
Bottlenose dolphins are quite social creatures , that coexist in herds. First they interact with their mothers, while he grows to hunt food he communicates with the other dolphins, and even to reproduce this male animal attracts the females with their vocalizations.
Now, let´s keep learning about the Bottlenose
Habitat Of The Bottlenose Dolphins
These dolphins are usually distributed in seas and oceans around the world, especially in those places where the environment provides them with food.
However, the tropical waters are often their most common location, where they usually find the small species they feed on.
Regarding a more specific distribution, we could mention the Pacific, Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, as well as the numerous seas where they can be present.
Finally, it is also important to know that they can even be found in freshwaters.
Alimentation Habits Of The Bottlenose Dolphins
Since dolphins are carnivorous marine, they usually feed on fish and invertebrates, located in coastal areas
For those who are in the open sea, their diet consists of squid, some small fish, eels and other species.
It is very common for dolphins, to use teamwork strategies to hunt for food, since together they go out to hunt schools of fish.
Bottlenose Dolphins and the Humans Beings
Bottlenose dolphins are commonly trained for various purposes. The Navy of the United States trains them to detect mines, protect facilities and attack enemies, among other things.
This fact is an interesting example, about how the intelligence and echolocation skills of these creatures, are employed for different purposes.
On the other hand, the bottlenose dolphins, are commonly employed in aquariums for entertaining purposes.
However, this is a practice that should be regulated, since captivity is the main threat for this species. ( See article: dolphins)
Finally, let´s watch this illustrative video.