Giant Tuna: Everything you should know about this species

The giant tuna is also renowned as Atlantic blue fin tuna or giant red tuna; but this animal is known in the same way by its scientific name as Thunnus thynnus. It is important to point out that this animal is one of the species that comprises the Scombridae family, which is characterized by having only perciform fish.

giant tuna : atlantic blue fin tuna

Anatomy Of  The  Giant Tuna

The big size of this specimen, is obviously its  most distinctive characteristic; in fact a giant tuna is merely  a common or red tuna that weighs over 250.  This animal can even weigh 400 kilograms, and the largest giant tuna that has been captured in history, reached the 678 kilograms. In addition,  this fish can reach more than 3 meters in length.

The internal temperature of its blood is hot, which is another peculiar characteristic of this animal , unlike others species.

Due to its big size, the giant tunas are skilled  swimmer, that reach a speed of much more than sixty-five kilometers per hour; especially when they are trying to   hunt their prey,  or when they are running away from a predator.

Another point that should be noted, is that the anatomy of this animal allows him to dive to big  depths in the sea, exceeding nine hundred meters. They become so good to move, that in migratory times they manage to cross the Atlantic Ocean, this entails a distance of more than eight thousand kilometers. Undoubtedly,  only a fish with outstanding morphological characteristics can achieve such actions.

Moreover, the giant tuna can withstand drastic changes in temperature, this is usually an advantage when they are trying to hunt their prey in the depths of the sea. They can withstand changes from twenty-seven degrees Celsius to even eight degrees. It should be mentioned that they have also developed an optimal sense of sight, so they also have the advantage to see in the darkness of that depth.

Giant Tuna Alimentation Habits

These fish, due to their abilities;are considered outstanding predators, therefore their feeding is based on several species.  The teleostean ( bony fish ), invertebrates such as jellyfish; as well as sessile species such as octopus, crabs and sponge species,  make up  their diet.

As far as the young giant tunas, they  usually feed on some crustaceans, other fish and cephalopods, while the adult giant tuna,  bases its diet on fish such as herring, some anchovies, sardine species, and also the sprat.


Habitat and distribution

In general, it is very common to find giant tuna on the two shores that make up the Atlantic, that is;  in the western and eastern ends.  In the same way, it is very common to find this creature  in the Mediterranean Sea.  A few time ago, it was also common to find them in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea; but now this species is already extinct in these places.

The giant tuna  tends to prefer the waters with cold temperatures, the most common cases are the coast of Newfoundland in Iceland. However,  they can also be seen in tropical waters such as the Gulf of Mexico.

Giant Tuna Fishing

For a long time,  the giant tuna has been very appreciated in the market for human consumption. Even in tim

Es of the ancient Greece, they were captured very often. All this due to their large size and the large amount of meat they  can provide as a food.

At present the giant tuna, is the protagonist of the world’s main fisheries, since its use is also implemented to prepare sushi dishes in Japan. So its price in the market is usually very high.

As a result,  this species is classified as an endangered one. This fact  has generated an alarming situation;  due to the fact that the biomass index has dropped by 15% , after the uncontrolled and even illegal exploitation of this species.

However, as long as fishing is carried out consciously, it can be done

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